
Decisions that Define

“I don’t think God is as interested in your success as He is with your maturity.” – John Maxwell

Special Guest and Certified John Maxwell Coach, Daniel Hofmeister, shared the following message on our team call a few weeks ago:

Defining Moments Show us Who we Really Are

Defining Moments can include:

  • Facing a Personal Failure/Being Attacked
  • Taking a stand on some issues
  • Experiencing suffering
  • Being asked to forgive

The choices we make in critical moments help to inform us and to inform others about who we are.

The Difficulty with Defining Moments is That We Don’t Get to Choose Them

We can choose how we handle them and prepare for them by:

  • Reflecting on the past and determining what you need to change. The best teacher for a leader is evaluated experience.
  • Prepare for the defining moments in the future. “Make a decision whether you want to be right or whether you want to act right.” I need to make sure that I act right.

In his book Today Matters, John Maxwell talks about 5 things we can change that will determine our future:

  1. Attitude: We can choose and display the right attitude.
  2. Behavior: “People will forget what you said, and what you did, but they will never forget how you make them feel” — Maya Angelou
  3. Thinking: Mature leaders think and talk about solutions, not problems.
  4. Commitment: Keep commitments daily. Enjoy peace not panic. Faith not fear.
  5. Relationships: Initiate and invest in solid relationships.

When we are committed to improvement in these areas we won’t have to wrestle with these issues during a defining moment. We will be free to FOCUS on the situation at hand and make the right decisions!

All the best!
