Phone Script & Role Play:
Dale Carnegie said “Practice Makes Permanent“, so let’s make this script second nature for you!
100% of the money we make starts on the phones, so invest time practicing this Phone Script out loud and with someone if at all possible!
Remember, give yourself grace as you practice and let us know any challenges or fears you may be experiencing!
Phone Training Audios:
Role Playing? Overcoming Objections? Mindset? Yep! All of this is covered from some of the best in the industry!
Many of these audios are also available in playlists on our mySFGteam Soundcloud playlists found under the Grow tab.
Listen to Superstar Agents Ashley Tarr and Sarah Pappas discuss & role play dialing on Bonus Leads!!
Listen to Agency Owners Beth Maddox and Sarah Pappas show you how to easily overcome almost every objection imaginable!
Overcoming Objections:
Overcoming objections is a key to building confidence and best helping our clients. Download this Overcoming Objections on the Phone doc to become an objection slicing Ninja!
Bonus Leads:
Dialing on older “Bonus” leads? We sure hope so!!!
Bonus Leads are the secret sauce to Symmetry’s System. The more you dial them, the more you’ll find there is truly no bad lead category within Symmetry.
Put whatever preconceptions of “old” leads you may have aside and learn how to use 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A & 50C leads to your advantage!!!
Download the Bonus Lead Phone Script and get practicing!
Many of these audios are available in playlists on our mySFGteam Soundcloud playlists found under the Grow tab.
Final Expense (FEX)/ Burial Leads:
Final Expense is a fantastic way to diversify your schedule with more day time appointments.
If you are working Final Expense (FEX) Leads, the phone script is very similar to Mortgage Protection with a few small adjustments.
1- Download the FEX Phone Script for working Final Expense Leads
Activity Tracking:
Start like a pro and track your activity! Here’s how to do it.
Download your Weekly Activity Report if you don’t have your ASAP Planner.
Depending on the leads you invest in, here is what you can expect for your Appointment Ratio:
A Lead – 10 A Leads = 8 appointments (80%)
5A – 1 out of 4 Contacts = 1 Appointment (25%)
4A – 1 out of 4 Contacts = 1 Appointment (25%)
3A – 1 out of 5 Contacts = 1 Appointment (20%)
2A – 1 out of 8 Contacts = 1 Appointment (12.5%)
1A – 1 out of 12 Contacts = 1 Appointment (8.3%)
$.50 – 1 out of 15 Contacts = 1 Appointment (6.7%)
Anytime you call a phone number, count it as a dial. Dial one phone number three times? Count it as 3 dials. Your Lead has 3 phone numbers and you dial two times each? You guessed it. Six dials.
Anytime you talk to a human being, this is a contact.
Well, this is pretty self explanatory 🙂
When first begining, reach out to your upline every 5-10 contacts so we can help you! 🙂
(This is the CC part of Massive Action Constant Correction)
Share your results in the following format on GroupMe: 46/15/3 (Dials/Contacts/Appointments)
We want to celebrate with you!!!
Remember, ‘What you measure, improves’! So keep yourself accountable! 🙂
Door Knocking:
Do the words “door knocking” send chills up your spine or a rush of adrenaline through your body? Then this video is for you!
We do not door knock in a traditional sense here… Watch this video to learn what we’re talking about!