Submitting Business & Pending:
Submitting Apps 101
Write an App and wondering what to do next?
Watch this short video and “scrub” your Apps before moving on!
Transmittals and Opt!
Vice President of Business Development, Pam Fair walks you through the steps needed to create a transmittal and submit your Application!
Creating a transmittal is a required when doing business with Symmetry, even with E-Apps!
If you fail to submit a transmittal with EVERY application, your contracts with Symmetry and ALL carriers may be terminated!
Be the Pro you know you are and Handle Yo Business! 🙂
Resubmitting Your App in Opt
Welcome to the club! There are many reasons we need to re-submit an app. So, follow these simple instructions and avoid getting yourself in the doghouse by committing the #1 sin of app submission: creating a brand new transmittal! (insert audience gasping!)
Remember, we got your back! We’re on this journey together! So, follow these instructions.
Golden Pen Placement & Persistency
Advisory Board member Danny Young shares in a practical way why it’s important to get policies issued. This audio is a MUST LISTEN for any agent serious about making money at Symmetry!
Locking in your Business:
With a persistency rate of 95% and being a Three-Time “Golden Pen” Winner, Agency Manager Doug Suttenfield knows a thing or two about writing good business and getting it to stay on the books!
Success leaves clues… so keep your pen and paper handy as you’re sure to learn from this audio! (the recording was cut short so all we have is on here) #sad
What is Pending you ask?
Once you’ve submitted your app to Opt, it can take a new agent 72+ hours for it to show up with the carrier. Once you’re appointed with the Carrier, you can have eApps show up before you leave the Client’s home!!
Back to Pending though… Pending is when the Application is with the Carrier and “pending” an approval by the underwriter because they need some additional information to make a decision.
To learn what Cases (Apps) are pending, log into the Carrier website with your credentials. You typically have credentials issued after they receive your first piece of business.
Typically, this is P.U.E. (Probably User Error). Often you’ll find that you forgot to check a box or submit a health questionnaire with the application… Occasionally, they need you to contact your client to clarify something.
If you ever feel nervous- Don’t be! You are here to help your clients and they appreciate you for caring!! If you’re still nervous, give your Upline a call!
The take-a-way here is this:
No one and I mean no one will care more about your business than you!
So, schedule a time to log into each carrier for 10-15 minutes every morning and get all of the pending requirements met!
Creating this habit gets your clients protected and you paid!
Net Placed Report
Submit is for Show, Issued’s for Dough $$
Getting business issued is your #1 job after the application has been submitted. This ensures your client is protected and you are paid. You should never have to guess how much you are issuing each month (this is especially important if you are going after commission increase)
The Net Placed Report is where you go DAILY to check your pending applications. This report is updated weekly for the previous week (so if you upload an app on Saturday, it will appear in the Net Placed report thefollowing weekend).Â
Here are some simple instructions on how to use this report. Â
Handle Yo Declines
What to do:
1- Watch this video to get tips on how to handle a decline.
2- Consult your upline before you call your client! Â
Know Yo Numbers (and examples)
This video is possibly one of the most important videos for an agent and builder once you have written business and are taking action. Watch is. Watch it again if you need to. It’s ok, we won’t judge 🙂
Now that we know what the acronyms stand for, we’ll discuss real world examples to help understand how to read the monthly “Snapshot” report.