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U Wanna be RICH?

U-RICH is an acronym I learned at my very first Symmetry Conference in February 2014. If followed diligently, these principles will make U RICH!!!  

U – Urgency –  Urgency is the force that gets you moving regardless of whether you think you know enough to get started. Urgency is being willing to take the Ready-Fire-Aim approach and clean up your messes along the way – Urgency drives us to taking Massive Action Quickly which shortens our learning curve.   

R – Resiliency – is simply the ability to get back up again. And again.  And again.  Resiliency is embracing the toughness knowing that it is through the toughness that we’ll achieve greatness.   

I – Integrity – Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is looking. This business exposes what we do in private.  The numbers tell the story.  What story do your numbers tell?  

C – is for Consistency – Lack of consistency is one of the major causes of failure.  Inconsistency is also what causes the rollercoaster of emotions.  You got 15 appts one week and 7 the next? That’s inconsistency. Do you recruit for 3 months and then take the next 3 months off of recruiting? That’s inconsistency. Disciplined Consistency Drives Emotional Stability.

H – Humility – Casey Watkins teaches that the most expensive thing you own is your EGO.  At some point on your journey, this business will humble you and bring you to your knees. How you handle those situations will determine your longevity here.  It’s my belief that we go through tough times in order that we might help someone else through that same tough time. True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.

URICH will make You Rich in this business. Let’s finish the month STRONG!!

All the best,
