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Welcome to July!! We are staring down a 5 week turn in!!

July will be an exciting month:

  • Evolution of Your Company Part 2 July 8th
  • mySFGteam will be hosting the National Call July 15th
  • Leadership Lakehouse Event July 17-18

And of course, we have the 4th of July coming up! This is one of the best holidays to work through! People are home, they are relaxed, and ready to protect their families! Don’t be afraid to dial on the 4th if that’s your dial day! I’ve been in the field on the 4th and have even been invited to stay for BBQ on several occasions. Lol….

With so many awesome things happening, let’s remember to stay focused and….. BREATHE!

Deep diaphramic breathing is the best way to stay in the present moment, lower your stress levels (fight/flight response) and lower your blood pressure. Let’s face it, this business can feel stressful at times. Remember to take a deep breath every time you think about it!!

Have an awesome week!
