Scarcity v. Abundance Pt. 2 |
How can you tell if you are operating in Scarcity or Abundance?
Scarcity paradigm is defined as the belief that resources are limited, and if one person wins, then another person will lose.
Abundance paradigm is the belief that possibilities are unlimited and the world offers everyone the ability to win.
Check in on each of these perspectives to determine which mindset you are choosing:
Fear, Doubt & Worry vrs. Faith, Confidence & Peace
Any of these thoughts go round and round in your mind?
–Fear we will lose what we’ve gained
–Doubt we have the ability to prosper
–Doubt that other people will do what they say they are going to do
–Worry that there will never be enough money, food, time, etc.
All of this fear, doubt and worry is HARD WORK!
Abundance gives us faith in the process, confidence that we can choose our destiny, and peace that everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to – for our good! Abundance is EASY!!!
Jealousy & Pride vrs. Self-Assurance & Humility
Our fears lead us to compare ourselves to others.
If we perceive others to be better than us in any way, we put ourselves down and feel jealous.
If we perceive ourselves to be better than others we feel pride.
And this is the worst (I’ve been here many times): If we perceive ourselves to be better than someone else who is kicking our tail, then we are dealing with an EGOthat’s out of control!!
Humility, on the other hand, brings about a self-assurance that allows us to stop comparing ourselves with others and crushes envy.
Ordinary vrs. Extraordinary
People who subscribe to a scarcity mindset, live an ordinary life. Their primary emotion is one of fear and anxiety. Self-limiting beliefs and doubts keep them from stepping into an extraordinary life.
By living abundantly you will experience opportunities to grow into your soul purpose where anything is possible!
Now that sounds exciting!!
Abundantly Yours,