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WHY and FORM/Rapport

“I’m not sure how to develop rapport over the phone” – I hear this a lot!
Rapport is foundational to your ability to help a family. Rapport happens when you have two things: Likeability and Trust.
When your clients like you and trust you, they will do business with you.
So, how do you create rapport over the phone and over zoom?
Here are some of the top tips that I use on a regular basis:
1. Make them laugh – it can be a self-deprecating joke, or a joke about       whatever, but if you get them to laugh, you are on the road to likeability!

2. Be Curious! As them questions to get to know them on a deeper level!! Use FORM as an outline – you can never go wrong when you ask them about Family, Occupation, Recreation and Money!

3. Be Vulnerable – share a personal story. Be authentic – let them know who they are working with!

4. Be Confident (this is where you are allowed to fake it til you make it – confidence comes thru experience). Be the expert. Ask them the tough questions. Lead them where they want to go.
Put these 4 tools into practice next time you are in a situation that requires rapport and see your results skyrocket!
All the best,