Scarcity v. Abundance Pt. 1 |
I’ve really been working on my money blueprint lately. I felt like I’ve kinda reached a limit on my ability to grow and that there was a lid on my earnings. I truly believe that your income is a direct reflection of how many people you are able to help – this is your value in the marketplace. So if I want to help more people, I need to grow my earnings capacity. Make sense?
I need to grow myself bigger! I need to stretch my money blueprint. The universe (aka God) will only give you what you are willing to receive after all….
It all starts with Mindset
Scarcity paradigm is defined as the belief that resources are limited, and if one person wins, then another person will lose.
Abundance paradigm is the belief that possibilities are unlimited and the world offers everyone the ability to win.
It’s a natural tendency to view scarcity as bad and abundance as good. However, the nature of the universe is one of contrast. How can you ever truly experience pleasure, without knowing what pain feels like? Or happiness, without ever feeling sadness? It’s in the contrast of opposites that we find the power to choose.You dig?
So, if we have the power to CHOOSE, then our job becomes one of identifying and rejecting things that bring suffering, and finding and choosing those things that bring happiness.
Discontentment and Pain are actually GIFTS that help us realize when things are not right in our world and when things need to change. When we pay attention, we become aware, and then we have the power to choose.
Being aware of Scarcity can help us understand and choose Abundance. Choosing scarcity leads to misery; choosing abundance leads to happiness.
I’ll share more on this in upcoming weeks. In the meantime, what mindset are you choosing today?
All the best,